Kami bersyukur, STIE Malangkucecwara menerima Hibah International Erasmus+ dari Uni Eropa. Kampus ABM termasuk dalam salah satu perguruan tinggi yang tergabung dalam sebuah konsorsium yang menerima hibah tersebut. Perguruan tinggi yang tergabung dalam konsorsium ini terdiri dari 4 universitas dari Eropa dan 7 universitas dari Indonesia.
We are grateful because the Malangkucecwara School of Economics (ABM) received Erasmus+ International Grant from the European Union. ABM is one of the colleges which joined a consortium that received the grant. There are 4 universities from Europe and 7 universities from Indonesia.
Hibah ini diarahkan untuk membuat resource di perguruan tinggi, yang bisa menjembatani institusi pendidikan dengan dunia usaha.
This grant is directed to create a college resource which can bridge between education institute with the business world.
ABM Hub merupakan produk resource yang dihasilkan oleh Kampus ABM, dan akan difungsikan sebagai inkubator bisnis. Aplikasinya antara lain memberikan konsultasi terkait permasalahan bisnis yang mendetail, utamanya kepada para pelaku Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) atau lebih dikenal dengan UMKM, dan bila perlu, ABM Hub juga dapat memberikan fasilitas akses modal.
ABM Hub is a resource created by ABM which functioned as a business incubator. One of the functions is to give a consultation referring to detailed business problems, mainly to the Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). If needed, ABM Hub can also give a capital access facility.
Masalah yang selama ini dihadapi oleh para UMKM, kebanyakan dari mereka enggan masuk kampus karena terhalang hal-hal yang bersifat prosedural. Dengan adanya ABM Hub, akan memudahkan para pelaku UMKM untuk bersinergi dengan institusi pendidikan, dan pemodal.
Problems that SMEs faced are that most of them reluctant to enter the campus is because of the procedural problems. ABM Hub knows will ease the small-medium enterprises to synergize between the education institute and the investors.
ABM Hub telah dibuat sedemikian rupa menjadi tempat yang nyaman untuk berdiskusi, melakukan rapat, berkonsultasi dan juga bekerja mengembangkan bisnis. Sejumlah perangkat PC, Laptop, Tablet, dan internet berkecepatan tinggi juga sudah disediakan. Oleh karena itu, diharapkan para UMKM bisa menggunakan fasilitas yang telah disediakan di ABM Hub.
ABM Hub has been made to become a comfortable place to do a discussion, do a meeting, do a consultation, and also to improve a business. Several PC, laptops, tablets, and high-speed internet already prepared. Therefore, UMKMs are expected to use the facilities already provided in ABM Hub.
Dari sisi akademik, dosen pun juga bisa melakukan tugas pengabdian, meningkatkan jejaring, dan entrepreneurship, sehingga manfaat kampus bagi masyarakat sekitar juga bisa dirasakan.
On the academic side, lecturers can also do a service duty, improve the network and entrepreneurship, so the surrounding community can also receive the advantage.
Entrepreneurship saat ini menjadi pilar bagi pertumbuhan ekonomi. Artinya, setiap Government kesulitan menciptakan lapangan pekerjaan baru, sedangkan lulusan perguruan tinggi makin bertambah. Dengan munculnya perusahaan Startup yang dihasilkan oleh program ini, maka diharapkan dapat mempersiapkan diri saat dihadapkan dengan sebuah permasalahan. Jika mereka sudah terbiasa menghadapi hal tersebut, maka mereka akan tahu bagaimana harus bersikap dalam mengambil langkah. It’s All About Mentality. Tidak hanya keterlibatan UMKM saja, namun keteribatan dosen dan mahasiswa juga perlu, supaya dari pihak akademisi bisa langsung bersinggungan dengan dunia entrepreneurship, dan melihat masalah dan isu-isu real yang ada.
Entrepreneurship now becomes the pillar for economic growth. It means that every time the government has a problem creating a new field of work, while the number of graduates increased. With the coming of a Startup company as a result of this program, it is expected to prepare themselves when they face a problem. When they already familiar with solving that problem, then they will what to do when taking the steps. It is all about mentality. Not only the involvement of SMEs, but the involvement between lecturers and students is also needed, so the academics can directly intersect with the entrepreneurship world and discern the real problems and issues.
Harapan kedepan, keterlibatan mahasiswa dan dosen pada program entrepreneurial ini bisa lebih merata dan maksimal. Supaya mereka tidak hanya mengetahui isu teoritisnya, tapi juga isu-isu praktis. Para dosen juga bisa melakukan penelitian untuk keperluan umum supaya menghasilkan produk yang dapat dimanfaatkan, bisa berupa sebuah model atau buku pedoman
The future hope is the involvement of students and lecturers in the entrepreneurial program can be smooth and maximum. Thereupon not only know the theoretical issue, but also the practical issues. Lecturers can also do research for global needs and produce useable products such as a model or guide book.
Growing Indonesia – a Triangular Approach (GITA)
integrates business – university collaboration, graduate entrepreneurship and enterprise creation
With a population of over 260 million, Indonesia is Southeast Asia’s largest economy and the world’s fourth most populous nation. Current support for start-ups is fragmented and there is a need for a more coordinated approach by educational institutions, government bodies and industry in building Indonesia’s entrepreneurial capacity and in reducing reliance on foreign labour as well as outward economic migration.
ABMHub is one of the first of a growing network of Growth Hubs across Indonesia aimed at embedding entrepreneurship education into University curricula and providing support services to local entrepreneurs and start-up businesses. These hubs are physical spaces with an incubation facility for cultivating innovation and exploiting new ideas applied to the local and regional economies.
The creation of Growth Hubs is the central and outward facing component of the innovative Growing Indonesia Triangular Approach (GITA) that integrates business-university collaboration, graduate entrepreneurship and enterprise creation in a strategic way to embed entrepreneurial thinking and activity across all organisational levels.
The network of the first Growth Hubs across Indonesia that have adopted the principles and methodologies of the Triangular Approach has been created with the assistance of the European Union Capacity Building in Higher Education Programme which offers a unique opportunity to strengthen higher education ties between Europe and Indonesia.
To find out more about the Growing Indonesia – a Triangular Approach project and its member institutions, please visit www.growingindonesia.eu
Startup Business

Dwinita Aryani
ABMHUB – STIE Malangkucecwara
Jalan Terusan Candi Kalasan
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
publication gitaproject.org
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