ABM visited Germany, evaluation of Erasmus+ European Union Grant Program

Malang, (13/09/2019) STIE MALANGKUCECWARA (ABM) which was represented by Drs. Bunyamin M.M PhD as the Leader of ABM, and also with Ir. Dwinita Ariyani as the Head of International Affairs Office and Benita Rachmania,SE, MM, visited Germany on 10 – 13 September 2019 in term of proceeding the evaluation from Erasmus+ grant, in form of GITA Project presentation (Growing Indonesia a Triangular Approach) which was done in Fachhochschule der Mittelstands (FHM) University, Bielefeld, Germany.
The program aimed at developing entrepreneurship in ABM Campus and other colleges which joined in the consortium to develop students’ and staffs’ entrepreneurship in each institution. The event was accompanied by Prof.
Volker and Dr. Metje from FHM University. In this chance, an industrial visit also done to Dr. Oetker Germany which is a big company that pioneered the frozen food, baking powder, and more products which are consumed by German society.
On 12 and 13 September 2019, Erasmus+ grant receivers went to Founders Foundation Bielefeld which is a place where start-up business people gather, also went to coworking space owned by Pioneers club, which is still in one shelter. Founders Foundation Bielefeld, other than contain entrepreneurs who want to have a business (start-up), also facilitate as a place to exchange business ideas.
Expectations for ABM after the visit and evaluation presentation of GITA performance progress, is to improve the strategy of UMKM recruitment so they can join with business incubator owned by ABM which is ABM Hub, forming entrepreneurship curriculum which is now implemented in Mega Creativity subject to improve business start-up owned by students and the reflectivity of the use of ABM Hub in developing students’, staffs’ and UMKM businesses.
translator: david
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